Discipline Plan


 Behavior is one of the most important elements of the school day.  If

behavior is out of control, then learning is not possible. 

I use a Traffic Light method and my Kinder-Bucks method in the classroom. 

The Traffic Light steps are as follows:

1. Everyone begins on the Green Light. Green means, “You are Doing Great, Keep up the Good Work! “ And they will receive (10) Kinder-Bucks at the start of each week.


2. Yellow Light is a “Warning”. They have difficulty following the rules

(10 minutes of Time Out to think about their actions and ways they can do better-recess or Fun Activity and 2 Kinder-Bucks will be taken)  They will have a chance to move their pins back to GREEN when I see that they worked hard on making the right choices.


3. Red Light is for “STOP and reflect!”

 (15 minutes of Time Out-writing the rule that was broken-recess and fun activity and a call to parents. 2 Kinder-Bucks will be taken.) They will lose the chance to use their Kinder-Bucks in our Fun Friday "Treasure Box". When their pin has been moved to the RED light.



Each student will have 10 Kinder-Bucks at the start of each week. In order for each student to earn a chance to use their Kinder-Bucks in the Treasure Box, they must follow classroom and school rules. On Fridays, each one will be able to use their KinderBucks to buy an item from the “Treasure box”.


I don’t believe in a child’s day being “over” because of poor choices so I

allow students to move up and down during the day.  For example, if a

student made very poor choices in the morning, but worked hard and

tried their best for the remainder of the day, they can “redeem” themselves and end the day in the GREEN!